Transforming Math Education: Our Journey to Creating Exceptional Math Practice Materials

We're just parents, like you! Our children mean the world to us, and we want nothing but the best for their future. But in today's competitive world, strong math skills are essential for their academic and career success.

So, we embarked on a journey to find the perfect math program to support our children's studies. We explored various renowned math tutoring programs like Kumon, Sylvan, Aloha, Mathnasium, and many others. After months of tireless research, we settled on a math center for our children. However, it didn't take long for us to become frustrated with several aspects of this popular program.

The long drives to and from the learning center, the unqualified tutors, and the high costs left us feeling disheartened. We realized there had to be a better way to teach math.

We recognized that the high cost of math tutoring, driving time, and the issue of unqualified teachers could be solved if we found good quality math practice workbooks and worksheets.

So, we began searching for math workbook and worksheet sites on the internet. We scoured hundreds of well-known math workbook and worksheet websites, including However, we found that these math workbook and worksheet websites had many flaws, such as insufficient practice problems, incomplete curriculum, lack of guidance, disorderly worksheets, and expensive monthly membership fees.

Frustrated by the lack of high-quality math practice workbooks and worksheets for our children, we decided to create our own.

Our goal was to save parents time and money while providing the highest quality math practice workbooks and worksheets for their children.

During the planning and creation phase, we set a comprehensive list of requirements for our math workbooks and worksheets:

  • Tailored to each child's unique skill level
  • Accessible to children at all levels
  • Comprehensive coverage of the curriculum
  • Engaging, fun, & step-by-step learning approach
  • Sufficient practice problems without repetition
  • Samples to teach problem-solving techniques
  • Encouragement of self-learning habits
  • Providing a challenge

With the help of our Genius Math Team comprising leading math teachers and curriculum experts, we developed the most engaging, innovative, and instructive math practice worksheets that meet the needs of students at every skill level.

This is the story of Concepta Math. We hope that our efforts will not only provide your children with high-quality math practice workbooks and worksheets but also empower children to excel in mathematics. Together, let's unlock the potential within each child and pave the way for a brighter future.